The making of these pages started in February 1997. Then students in the fourth class at Menntaskolinn ad Laugarvatni started writing the first issue of a web-magazine called Njala News. In this magazine the students try to describe, in modern ways, what happens in the first 80 chapters of Njals saga (also called Brennu Njals saga). The first week of April the same students will write the second issue of Njala news.

Two students in the fourth class's physics line wrote all the texts in html and one took care of the graphical design. Those students are Grimur, Sigurdur Logi and Vidir. Students in the fourth class's language line translated almost all the texts into English.

Students at Framhaldsskolinn i Skogar are also going to make webpages about Njals saga, among which you'll soon be able to find the main characters' homepages. The Icelandic teachers at Skogar and Laugarvatn have been working together at perparing these tasks and we'll all meet at Hlidarendi on the 9th of April when students at both schools are exploring the places of happenings in Njals saga. With us there will be 16 German students who will stay at Menntaskolinn ad Laugarvatni for fourteen days in the beginning of April. Of course they will also take part in making the next issue of Njala News.

NJALA News 1. Issue
