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Use of the names that occur in the sagas
Freydís:  The name is in the Saga of Eiríkur the Red, but until in the beginning of this century only two women had this name. Now there are 80 women named Freydís.

Leifur: The name is in Landnáma (The book of Settlement), old stories and old letters. The most famous male named Leifur, is Leifur the Lucky who  found America. In the start of 18. century two men had this name but now they are 273.

Guðríður: The name is in Landnáma and other old stories. It also occurs in old letters and has always been very popular name in Iceland. In the beginning  of the 18. century 497 women had this name but now they are 535.

Eiríkur: The name is in Landnáma, old stories and old letters and it seems to be popular. In 1703 319 men had this name. Now they are 780.

Þorfinnur (Thorfinnur) : The name is in Landnáma and old Icelandic sagas, also in Sturlunga (a book of historical facts, written in the 13th century) and old letters from the 14th century. In 1703 11 men had this name, but now  47 men have the name Þorfinnur. 

                                 Elín Margrét and Eyrún

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