NJALA - News
Death Notices

The word is that Thorvaldur Osvifursson was murdered, in Bjarneyjar. Thjostolfur, the foster father of Hallgerdur, said that he had done this terrible deed. Hoskuldur, the father of Hallgerdur, has made Osvifur up for the loss of this son and has payed what they have agreed upon.

Glumur Oleifsson was found murdered out in the heath. Thostolfur killed him and then he vanished. Hoskuldur and Oleifur have reconciled themselves to the case.

Thjostolfur the foster father of Hallgerdur, was murdered, at Hrutsstadir, by Hrutur when he heard about the murder of Glumur. No compensations were made for Thjostolfur. Hoskuldur and Hrutur never spoke about the case again.

Killing of drudges was committed at Hlidarendi and at Bergthorshvoll. And because of them superior men were killed.

Svartur (Black), a labourer of Bergthora was murdered by Kolur (Black), a labourer of Hallgerdur. Kolur was then murdered by Atli, a labourer of Bergthora. 12 Scandinavian loins of silver was payed for each.

Brynjolfur, cousin of Hallgerdur, killed Atli, a labourer of Bergthora. Thordur leysingjason, the foster father of Njal's sons, killed Brynjolfur. One hundred silver coins were paid for each of them and therefore the charges were even.

Sigmundur Lambason, Gunnar's uncle, killed Thordur leysingjasonur and Thrainn Sigfusson and Skjoldur were witnesses. Then the sons of Njal killed Sigmundur and Skjoldur and Hoskuldur Njalsson was a witness. Sigmundur and Thordur were evaluated fo 200 silver coins each but Skjoldur was nullified.

All these claims were paidd by Gunnar and Njall. They remaned friends in spite of these terrible murders. An now there is peace for the time being.


Translated by Una Bjorg


Massmurders were committed by the brothers Gunnar, Kolskeggur and Hjortur. In the first massmurder Gunnar and Kolskeggur killed eight men. Among those who died were the owners of large farms, such as Skammkell, the farmer at Hof II and Otkell, the farmer at Kirkjubaer. In the second massmurder Gunnar, Kolskeggur and Hjortur killed fourteen men, among those great leaders such as Egill Kolsson, his son Haukur, and the farmer Sigurdur pighead. In this combat Hjortur, Gunnar's brother, got killed.

A big fine and other compensations have been paid and both sides have come to an agreement.


My dearest son, Thorgeir Otkelsson, and a few drudges were killed by Gunnar at Hlidarendi.

Thorgerdur Masdóttir

Written by Olafur and Sigurbjorn

Translated by Thora
